Monday, May 24, 2010

Peter , Repeater and ReTweeter!

Santa planned name of his boy - Peter – But had twins so named them Peter n Repeater . Thank God he was not on twitter , else would have Tweeter and Retweeter .
Actually , ReTweeter is the fastest growing community in this world , and there are many types of ReTweeters .

My timeline has some of the most interesting types of ReTweeters* , Let me start calling names!

Only RTers: Retweet the moment it hit types : With eyes glued on their timelines , they simply RT anything and every thing.
Worship RTers: These are the ones who actually worship many of them they follow , so if their GOD has tweeted , has to be Retweeted , irrespective of the content! Sometimes if Sachin goes to the Loo and say’s going to the loo – they RT.
Add a bit RTers: Read the tweet , if interesting , start thinking what can be added , then add a word or two and there you go !
WTF RTers: I love this phrase and can be added to most of the tweet , so they RT and just add prefix WTF!
LOL RTers: Other phrase which can be prefixed to dumb or hilarious tweets , so prefix and hit RT.
Thanks RTers: if you have been RTed , you should thank. So this kind RT listing all the handles who have RTed them . Some of them actually post 7-8 tweets in asecond as they have to thak many. They add exclaimations ranging from Thanks to Luv , Hugs n Kisses for RT . Remember Bryan Adams : Just RTed to say …… I thank you!
Obligated RTers: Well if last time he / she RTed ur tweet , its your obligation to RT –so RT to return the favor.
Gang RTers: Well if the Tweet is from a member of the gang , it has to ReTweeted
Never RTers: SRK when would you start RTing

Btw , what ever category you are in , please feel free to RT me , I never mind.

*: List is not exhaustive , so feel free to challenge , add , comment .