Saturday, December 16, 2006


Hope you all are familiar with this word " Mis selling" , in banking parlance it's mis communication about your product. Very often the over enthusiastic sales men would tell you much more than the product actually offers. Well unfortunately it's not limited to products , rather more often it happens in job offerings . It happens every where but few of the common mis sellings are :

Job Content/Job description :
The most common and most painful one , typically you'll get "JD" , job description from your consultant , it will look very glamourous as if after CEO you would be the most powerful person in the organisation . When you actually join you end up doing some thing else .
So watch out for those fancy JDs.

Loan component , you are told you are elligible for 2000K of loan at 2% rate of interest , sound good . You readily join. ALAS , after joinig you realise you are only elligible after one year. Even that's OK then you decide to quit after 2 years 8 months . Your accounts department hands you over a letter asking for dues . Well you get a shock of your life when you are told that this " interest subsidy " is reversed if you leave with in 3 years of joining.
Check out the finer prints of "Subsidised Loans".

Is there any regulator to check this " MIS SELLING" ?